
Capsico comes on board with Soundcast

Soundcast is excited to announce that Capisco NZ is the new distributor for their range of products for the New Zealand market.

Capisco NZ has been distributing high-quality audio products for over 10 years in New Zealand and has an extremely well-regarded reputation.

For Soundcast, New Zealand is a very important market as it has a strong outdoor and adventure culture.  This marries up with the Soundcast philosophy of product.

It was very important for Soundcast to partner with a like-minded distributor in New Zealand to ensure the best quality of service to the market.

By the end of November 2017, the new range of Soundcast products will be available for New Zealand consumers to purchase from their local specialist dealer.

For more information please contact Capisco NZ either via their website: or phone +64 21 334 499.

Photos and logos courtesy of Soundcast and Capisco NZ

Soundcast announces new Australian Distributor

After an intensive and detailed search, Soundcast is proud to announce that the new Australian distributor is Advance Audio Australia.

With a new generation of class-leading products, Soundcast were seeking a new generation distributor and with Advance Audio Australia are extremely confident that this has been found.

Advance Audio Australia has been distributing quality audio products for over 20 years to the Australian market and presents a great team of talented people to re-launch Soundcast in Australia.

By the end of November 2017, the new range of Soundcast products will be available for Australian consumers to purchase from their local specialist dealer.

Just in time for Xmas and the beautiful summer days ahead of us, where you can experience not only Australia's wonderful outdoor life but now with wonderful outdoor music anywhere and everywhere you go.

For more information please contact Advance Audio Australia either via their website: or phone (02) 9561 0799

Photos and logos courtesy of Soundcast and Advance Audio Australia